If you have not worshipped with a Church of Christ before, or with Caverns Road Church of Christ, in particular, here is information to help familiarize you with our Sunday worship service. We worship in song, prayer, communion (the Lord’s Supper), giving, and in hearing the Word and allowing it to speak to our hearts. We try to make our worship service a personal experience between you and God within a congregational setting. Bible study classes are at 9:30 a.m., with classes for all age groups. Worship services begin at 10:30 a.m. and generally end around 11:30 a.m.

We strive to worship God in Spirit and Truth. As Jesus said in John 4:24, "God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and Truth."

Several public prayers will be led throughout the typical service. These prayers are led by men from the congregation and are from their hearts.

You will notice that our worship in song is without instrumental accompaniment. It is in “a cappella” format, which literally means “in the manner of the church”. A song leader will announce and lead in singing from our songbooks. We blend our voices as we praise and worship our God, knowing that our music is good to His ears.

COMMUNION (The Lord’s Supper)
We observe and celebrate The Lord’s Supper every week, just as they did in New Testament times. This is a special time set aside to remember and celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, our Savior. It is a time to reflect on the sacrifice he made so that, as sinners, we can be saved. After a prayer, you will see plates passed around containing pieces of unleavened bread, symbolizing the crucified body of Jesus. Following a second prayer, trays filled with cups of grape juice to symbolize the blood of Jesus, as he bled on the cross. If you choose not to participate in the communion, simply pass the elements down the pew.

Directly following the Lord’s Supper, we provide an opportunity for members to make an offering. This is not part of the Communion, but is a convenient time to provide a means for our members to make weekly contributions in support of our ministries. As our guest, you aren’t expected to contribute; simply pass the container down the pew.

The sermon is a Bible-based lesson, presented by our minister. We believe that the Bible is our sole source of divinely-revealed truth. These timely, inspiring, and enlightening messages from God’s Word serve to encourage and instruct us, as God continues to transform and equip us. It helps us learn what God has said to us and how it applies in our lives.

After the sermon, the minister will offer an invitation to anyone who would like to come to the front and speak with one of the Elders as the congregation sings a hymn. Respondents may request prayers, offer a public confession, request to be baptized, or indicate their desire to be a part of the Caverns Road family.

Leadership in worship is not limited to those formally recognized as Ministers, Elders, or Deacons. You will see many Christian members of our congregation participating in various aspects of worship services.

During worship services, we offer an attended nursery for the comfort of babies and children up to age three, allowing parents to participate while their children are taken care of. Children are also welcome to stay by your side.

When you visit, you will see members in a range of attire, from dress clothes to casual clothes. We want everyone to feel comfortable and at home.

The main thing we would love for you to bring is an open heart. If you have a Bible, you are encouraged to bring it. If not, we will be glad to provide you with one. Many of our members use a Bible app on their phones.

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